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Trenbolon Vermodje Trenaver E


Effects of Vermodje Trenaver 200

  • Increases muscle mass (up to 10kg in an 8 week course of trenbolone)
  • Improves strength
  • Increases insulin-like growth factor (aka IGF or somatomedin) levels by up to 200%.
  • Promotes fat burning both on its own and through stimulation of IGF secretion.
  • Increases libido during the course, provides a significant drop after the course (in case gonadotropin and nolvadex are not used, SCT (post-course therapy with tamoxifen (or its analogues, for example, toremifene or clomiphene citrate) and gonadotropin after a course of trenboln – is mandatory)
  • Lowers cortisol levels

Vermodje Trenaver 200 is used in all strength sports, but is most commonly used in bodybuilding. Vermodje Trenaver 200 is used for all bodybuilding tasks, which means that it is essentially a universal steroid.

In preparation for competitions, Trenaver 200 is combined with other drugs that do not contribute to water accumulation in the athlete’s body: Stanozolol, Masteron, Boldenone, Primobolan. Such combinations help the athlete to preserve muscle mass in the conditions of carbohydrate-free diet, intensive training and use of fat burners, and as a result, the athlete with amazing muscle quality gets on the podium.

If you do not use Vermodje Trenaver 200 during this period, there is a possibility of overtraining, loss of muscle mass, injuries, the look of the muscles will not be so full and at the same time hard.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 bottle, ml


Packages by package, pcs





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