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Trenbolone Enanthate GENESIS


Tren Enanthate 200 mg is an anabolic with the androgen type. It doesn’t have negative estrogenic effects. In general, it has similar pharmacological properties as Trenbolone Acetate. However, the period of action of enanthate ester is 10 days. Tren Enanthate 200 mg gained popularity mainly because it is not able to aromatize into estrogen under the influence of aromatase. We offer to order trenbolone enanthate from the top steroids manufacturers. We get the anabolic from first hands and that’s why the price for it is very attractive.

Genesis trenbolone enanthate injection was the last steroid that came to the pharmacological market. Hoescht and Roussel had tried a series of studies in the 80s and were able to bring the steroid to the most popular ones. However, first, its effectiveness was noticed in the veterinary field. The American FDA did not approve anabolic steroid trenbolone enanthate injection so that people can use it. Over time, athletes at their own risk began to use the steroid and with experience were convinced of its power.

So Tren Enanthate 200 mg by reviews began its triumphal procession. However, the year 1988 was marked by the fact that the release of the substance was discontinued. Tren has gone from the sales, and its tablet alternative Finaplex couldn’t compare with Trenbolone Enanthate Injection. Today, a number of manufacturers have revived the release of this substance, so it is available for bodybuilders. Anyone can buy Genesis Trenbolone Enanthate at the best possible price in our online store.

Tren Enanthate 200 mg Profile:

  • Anabolic activity – 500% of testosterone (very high)
  • Androgenic activity – 500% of testosterone (very high)
  • Low Impact on the Liver
  • Increased estradiol: no
  • Increased prolactin: yes (requires taking Dostinex during the cycle)

Genesis Trenbolone Enanthate Effects

Trenbolone enanthate is a derivative of Nandrolone endogenous hormone that belongs to the class of 19-nortestosterones. Scientists made two changes to the structure of nandrolone, thanks to that were created such powerful steroid as injection trenbolone enanthate.

“Tren” of group “E” is a universal steroid that works equally well on both mass and drying. At the same time, it goes well with any other steroid.

Increases the level of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) by 200%.

It promotes the fat burning effect both independently and by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone.

Significantly reduces cortisol levels.

Due to the high anabolic and androgenic indexes, it contributes to a significant increase in strength performance, but at the same time a moderate increase in mass (since it does not aromatize and practically does not retain water).

Daily injections are not required as in the case of Trenbolone Acetate.

After the cancelation of tren enanthate 200 mg, it will work for at least another 10 days.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 bottle, ml


Packages by package, pcs





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